eMule Plus 1.2c is a P2P client, basically the original eMule client with an improved GUI, the ability to control your client remotely over the web. It supports 31 languages and has an improved search.
With emule Plus 1.2c, you can download millions of files available through the web, hosted on computers belonging to users like you. Actually, the files on your computer are being shared at the same time too, so there will be users downloading files from your computer. This is what P2P (Peer to Peer) is all about.
You can start downloading your files in two different ways: by using the "Search" button to find the files you need on your peers' PCs, right clicking the desired ones and starting downloading, or by visiting any site containing elinks (links downloadable via eMule), clicking on them and letting the program download everything for you.
You will benefit then from the millions of files shared by other clients users, like Azureus, eDonkey, eMule, etc.
There are lots of file sharing servers, and you can always update your list looking for a server.met file anywhere on the Internet.
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